Wednesday, April 28, 2010


A rectangular advertisement placed on a website.


To cut off the sides of an image.

desktop publishing

Using a PC to create a professional document.

drawing canvas

The border when you want to insert a drawing.

drawing object

When you draw an object in a document

end note

A text note that is inserted on the bottom of a document.

End Note

A text note that is inserted on the bottom of a document.


A text note that is inserted on the bottom of a document


Lines of text that are added to the bottom of the document.


Pictures or graphs in a document.

hard column break

too have a space before each paragraph

Lines of text on top of a document.

sizing handles

Windows sizing handle
A handle on a picture that allows you to drag it to change the size.


A set of instructions for formatting.

A set of instructions for formatting.


A set of instructions for formatting.


Something that is a pattern of reference.


A character that is a little above the line of text.


A book with synonyms.


A mini picture of a page to be printed.

Monday, April 26, 2010

hanging indent

hanging indent is when the cpu indents the rest of the text while the first line in place

format painter

format painter is a way for you not to duplicate your effort and it does your command in one click


format is a comand utility in computer operating systems

first line indent

first line indent is when you indent on the first line in the paragraph

drag and drop

drag and drop is when you click an object in the computer and drag it to the place you want

clip board

clip board is a place in the cpu where you can put notes or tasks or anything that you need to do or anything you have to do


attribute is the proccessor or charateristics


alignment is the the ajustment of an object with a relation of other objects

Friday, April 16, 2010

utilty software

A software that helps to maintain the computer.

utilty software

A software that helps to maintain the computer.

user interfaces

A program that controls the display on a monitor for the user to see.


A computer OS that was developed by Bell Laboratories and is mainly used for servers.

system software

The software that is associated with the OS and any other utility programs.

software development

The set of activities that you perform in order to create a program.

operating system

The program responsible for carrying out the execution of other programs in the computer.

network operating system

An OS designed to pass information between more than one computer on a network.


The simultaneous execution of programs under the control of the operating system.


Am operating system developed by Bill Gates to use on PCs.

lanuguage translater

It is a system that a computer uses to translate between computer programming code and a language.

graphical user inferface

A computer interface that is based on graphics instead of text. You interact with it using a mouse.


The initial start up sequence of a computers operating system.

appilcation software

Computer software that helps the user perform a certain task.


An algorithm creates a logical progression of steps needed to accomplish a task

Thursday, April 15, 2010

10 Step Coffee Algorithm

  1. Buy whole bean or ground coffee.
  2. If you buy whole bean, use the stores grinder to grind the beans.
  3. Put a coffee filter in your coffee maker.
  4. Set up your coffee maker.
  5. Put the grind into the filter.
  6. Pour water into the water tank.
  7. Turn on the coffee maker.
  8. Wait for it to finish brewing.
  9. Pour it into a mug.
  10. Enjoy!


Horizontal groups of cells in a spreadsheet.


A vertical line of cells in a spreadsheet.


A box in a spreadsheet where you can enter data.


Data arranged in rows and columns. An example is a spreadshe

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Binary Calculations Do Now- 3/24/10

1. 110000= 48
2. 101011= 43
3. 11111= 31
4. 56=111000
5. 192=11000000
6. 512=1000000000



An area on the screen that represents a runn


A row of icons that are used to activate functions in the OS.